
Certified Arborists Caring For Your Trees And Shrubs & Providing Spotted Lanternfly Management


There are many conditions that increase the likelihood that all or part of a tree will fail. In urban and suburban settings, the failure of a tree often leads to property damage and/or personal injury. Inspecting mature trees periodically for hidden decay, structural weaknesses and diseases can extend their lives and mitigate the risk of failure of the tree or its branches. Falling trees and branches can cause serious injury to people and extensive damage to property. There are many conditions that increase the likelihood that all or part of a tree will fail. In urban and suburban settings, the failure of a tree often leads to property damage and/or personal injury. Inspecting mature trees periodically for hidden decay, structural weaknesses and diseases can extend their lives and mitigate the risk of failure of the tree or its branches. Falling trees and branches can cause

Medford, NJ

Plant Healthcare Solutions

serious injury to people and extensive damage to property. It takes a trained and experienced arborist to inspect a tree, conduct the required testing and interpret the results accurately. The TRAQ system utilizes a detailed tree risk assessment form that arborists complete while inspecting trees on a property. In addition to basic data, such as species, diameter of the tree at breast height (DBH), tree height and crown spread, it also requires the arborist to record and evaluate other detailed information about the location, conditions, defects in the tree’s trunk, crown, and roots, as well as potential targets if the tree or its branches fall. Based on this information, as well as results of other testing, using specialized tools such as a Resistograph the arborist is able to create a comprehensive report that offers a complete analysis of each tree and its risk of failure.

When tragedy befalls important trees, there are restorative measures beyond pruning which may be employed.  These measures are best applied before failure occurs and thus preventing the catastrophic event entirely.  The most commonly used structural supports are cables and brace rods.  Cables are installed to prevent the failure of branch unions.  When installed, the cable limits the distance the associated limbs are able to move relative to each other. Brace rods also address defective branch unions.  Rods are installed locally through and above the union which it supports.  Smaller applications of brace rods can be used to repair storm damage.
Both types of supports are not recommended casually.  While supports offer longevity, safety and health benefits, their installation must not leave the tree or its parts prone to failure.  Plant Healthcare Solutions only advises clients to have supports installed when practical and ensures these systems meet industry and safety standards.
Preservation may also involve protection from lightning strike. Very similar to installing a lightning rod on a home to protect the electrical system, lightning protection systems for trees divert current safely to ground preventing damage to tissue.  Lightning protection systems for trees may provide shelter from strike for surrounding trees and structures as well as sideflash.
Great candidates for these systems include the tallest individual trees in a stand, lightning prone species including: oak, elm, maple, poplar, ash, spruce, fir, pine, and tuliptree, valuable trees of advanced age and location and trees near homes and sensitive areas.
Without the diverting the charge safely to ground, trees conduct this energy through their vascular tissue. Some strikes the damage may scorch a fine path to ground which will damage the tree but will compartmentalize the wound.  The wound may be a point of decay taking years to evolve into a serious hazard.  Many strikes set the tree on fire or volatilize the water in the vascular system and blow all of the surrounding bark off.  The hazard created in this scenario will vary in severity depending on the species of tree but is related to the strength of the wood.  Many trees are completely obliterated by the strike and fall apart on the spot.
Lightning Protections Systems are reasonably installed but are an investment nonetheless.  Plant Healthcare Solutions aims to guide homeowners where this investment is practical.