
Plant Healthcare Solutions

drainage systems are all common measures to improve soil health regarding trees.
Deep root fertilization is the best fertilization method available to trees which have ample soil volume to receive it. Despite popular opinion, trees do not require “feeding.” Photosynthesis supplies all the “food” a plant requires.  The purpose of deep root fertilization is to provide essential elements to the rhizosphere of a plant to balance and improve the nutritional quality of the soil solution.  While trees can make all the glucose to grow, maintain, reproduce and defend themselves on their own, all of these processes demand additional elements.  Trees in the landscape are at a particular disadvantage regarding soil chemistry.  Growing lush lawns, removing leaf litter and regular irrigation all have an effect on the soil.  Trees in the landscape are also inherently likely to be transplants and perhaps unaccustomed to the local soil.
Many trees and shrubs, especially transplants benefit from soil analysis.  Sampling vital areas of the landscape will determine specific mineral deficiencies, soil texture class and soil pH. Having the specific soil properties will allow for the development of a precision fertilization plan. Collection of these samples will determine other physical properties which may require other soil treatments.  Compacted soil, adverse texture gradients, problems with drainage, lack of water and improper soil covering are all issues within Plant Healthcare Solutions ability to remedy.Nutrient deficiency is a gateway for disease and insect problems in plants. Our custom-tailored soil and root care applications increase tree and shrub health, strengthening their natural defenses.
The health of plants and trees lie below the ground, in their roots. This means the soil around the roots must be capable of giving it what it needs -- water, oxygen and nutrients. Plant Health Care Solutions fertilization treatment for trees and shrubs enhance soil dynamics with valuable micronutrients and biostimulants, creating a healthier and more ecologically sustainable root zone and promoting root growth. Nutrients and soil amendments are injected directly into the plant's root zone. Some of the nutrients are utilized immediately. However, the bulk of the fertilizer remains in the root zone for future use, providing for a stable over-wintering and full spring development.
Soil Amendments
Plants require macro-nutrients (Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium or N-P-K) as well as micro-nutrients (trace elements such as boron, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, copper, molybdenum, and selenium) to grow and thrive. After a visual inspection, your Plant Health Care Solutions arborist may conduct a soil test. Based on the results, we prepare a custom blend of fertilizer that addresses the deficiencies of macro-nutrients in the soil. Most of our soils in the Northeast have plenty of Phosphorous so we leave it out unless soil tests indicate a deficiency. We also use compost, organic amendments, and specially prepared organic teas to provide soil biology to naturally promote not only nutrients but also plant health and vigor. The balance of these amendments vary depending on the plant type, soil conditions, stress level, and more.
Mycorrhizae root enhancer - These beneficial fungi live in and around the roots of trees and shrubs, serving as a secondary root system, extending themselves far out into the soil. Mycorrhizae extract nutrients and water from the soil for their host tree while living off the tree's sugars. Trees with thriving mycorrhizal root systems are healthier, more robust, and have been found to be more resistant to drought and disease.
Organic Biostimulants - We utilize a variety of biostimulants, including humic and amino acids, North Atlantic sea kelp extract, natural sugars, vitamins and other organic compounds. Biostimulants aid in the improvement of soil structure, root growth, and the uptake of N-P-K. They increase plant vigor and chlorophyll production, as well as improves heat and cold tolerance.


Certified Arborists Caring For Your Trees And Shrubs & Providing Spotted Lanternfly Management

The vast majority of problems we face with our trees and shrubs are either directly or indirectly attributed to the condition of the soil they reside in.  Soil management involves the texture, structure, chemistry and profile of ultra fine fragments of rocks and minerals we have so affectionately called “dirt.”  Deep root fertilization, incorporation of organic matter, structural re-orientation, pH adjustment, salt remediation, supplementary irrigation and 

Medford, NJ