Plant Healthcare Solutions



Certified Arborists Caring For Your Trees And Shrubs & Providing Spotted Lanternfly Management

 Ticks, mosquitoes and deer are much more than an annoyance. Our area has seen a dramatic increase in tick-borne diseases, including Lyme Disease, Ehrlichiosis, Babesiosis and the Powassan virus. Plant Health Care Solutions provides safe, effective tick, mosquito and deer control for your property. We offer a range of treatment options including organic programs. Our 

arborists and technicians are licensed in pest management and also understand how to make your property less hospitable to ticks, mosquitoes and deer.

Plant Healthcare Solutions is proud to provide quality tick control on most properties for only $70.00 (restrictions apply.) With tick populations on the rise and the incidence of lyme carrying deer ticks also increasing, the benefit of their control can be life-saving.  The judicious application of pesticide towards this pest can also be life-saving for your landscape.  Excessive repeat application, mis-application, cover-spraying, and haphazard treatment methods can cause collateral damage to the beneficial insect community as well as disrupt the natural order of the ecosystem.  Plant Healthcare Solutions can maximize the safety of your outdoor living spaces without causing undo harm to the landscape.

Got Deer? Effective control of deer browse need not be expensive.  Adapting treatment plans to patterns of browse ensures that excessive and unnecessary applications are avoided. Plant Healthcare Solutions knows all too well the effect whitetail deer can have on a manicured landscape.  A single whitetail deer is capable of eating over five pounds of foliage in  a day. Timely applications can deter feeding on your plants by making this foliage unappetizing. However, deer populations vary in their preferred diet.  Observation of your landscape will determine which plants require treatment and how often it should be applied.  Treatments can last as long as several months depending on the season and weather. Plant Healthcare Solutions eliminates wasteful application by supervising the changes in feeding habits and adaptations to diet which may occur after initial control.

Medford, NJ